井田 徹治
共同通信社 編集委員兼論説委員(環境・開発・エネルギー問題担当)
東京大学文学部社会学科卒、同年共同通信社に入社。本社科学部記者、ワシントン支局特派員など経て2010年から編集委員兼論説委員。環境と開発、エネルギーの問題を35年にわたって取材。アジア、アフリカ、中南米などでの環境破壊や貧困の現場の姿を報告してきた。気候変動枠組み条約締約国会議など多くの国際会議もカバーしている。『大気からの警告―迫りくる温暖化の脅威』(創芸出版)、『ウナギ 地球環境を語る魚』(岩波新書)、『生物多様性とは何か』(同)、「霊長類 消えゆく森の番人」(同)、「追いつめられる海」(岩波書店・科学ライブラリー)など著書多数。
Tetsuji Ida
Board of Director
Senior Staff Writer & Editorial Writer (Environment, Energy and Development)
After graduating from Tokyo University (sociology of science and technology) Tetsuji started in journalism as a staff writer for Kyodo News in 1983, later serving as the Washington bureau’s science correspondent from 2001 to 2004 and in his current position since 2016. He is well versed in the topic of climate change, having reported on the issue since before the formal adoption of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992 and serving as the main reporter for Kyodo News covering COP3 in Kyoto in 1997. He has reported from the frontlines on environmental, poverty, and conservation issues in many countries in Asia, Africa and South America for more than 30 years. He has covered many international conferences on multilateral environmental agreements, including the UNFCCC, CITES, CBD, Montreal Protocol, Ramsar Convention, WSSD, and Rio+20, and has authored or coauthored twenty books on topics ranging from primate conservation to climate change, fisheries resources, toxic chemicals, natural resources management, and the ocean environment.