新卒で入社した日本IBMにおいて、システムズエンジニア・ERPコンサルタントとして、多くのプロジェクトに参画し、システム開発や企業の業務プロセス最適化に取り組む。日本IBM退職後、国際協力NGO、外資系企業、Tokyo2020組織委員会等で、ウェブサイト構築やマーケティングに従事。並行して、社会活動にも積極的に取り組み、グリーンピースジャパンが事務局を務める「ゼロエミッションを実現する会」で脱炭素を推進する政策提言活動に参加。「ゼロエミ千葉」の立ち上げにも関与。2023年夏よりClimate Integrateに参加。聖心女子大学文学部歴史社会学科卒業。
Tatsuko Satoh
Project Manager
Tatsuko joined IBM Japan as a new graduate and participated in many projects as a systems engineer and ERP consultant working on systems development and optimization of corporate business processes. Since leaving IBM Japan, she has worked on website development and marketing for an international cooperation NGO, a foreign company, and the Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee. In parallel, she has been actively involved in civil society, participating in policy advocacy to promote decarbonization through the Zero Emissions Realization Group, for which Greenpeace Japan serves as the secretariat, and the launch of Zero Emission Chiba, which aims to promote decarbonization initiatives at the local level in Chiba Prefecture. She holds a BA in history and sociology from the University of the Sacred Heart.