溝田 裕美
米国コロンビア大学ビジネス・スクール卒業後、ニューヨークで6年間Moody’sとAmbacにて証券化案件格付と金融保証に従事。帰国後、外資系証券会社、銀行、アセット・マネジメント等金融業界で、資金調達や海外投資案件プロダクト・マーケティング等、様々な職種に取り組む。2022年に英国ケンブリッジ大学 Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadershipの気候変動関連のプログラムを修了後、ネットゼロ社会への移行を加速するために貢献出来る仕事に携わりたいと思い、2023年秋にClimate Integrateに参加。上智大学文学部英文科卒。
Hiromi Mizota
Director, Sustainable Finance
Hiromi obtained her MBA from Columbia Business School and worked in New York for 6 years at Moody’s and Ambac. After returning to Tokyo, she held a number of senior positions in the financial services industry, at US and European banks, investment banks, and an asset management company. In 2022, Hiromi completed an online executive program offered by the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership on Business and Climate Change, which inspired her to engage in a mission to accelerate the net zero transition, and join Climate Integrate in 2023. She holds a BA in English literature from Sophia University.