望月 ハル
英シェフィールド大学大学院を卒業後、日系商社の欧州支店などで、再生可能エネルギー関連のプロジェクトに関わる。その後、ロンドンの日系や欧州系の金融機関にて再生可能エネルギー市場のリサーチ、企画、またデータ分析などを担当。コンサルタントとして独立後、2022年頃、浮体式洋上風力発電のリサーチに従事。さらに気候変動や再生可能エネルギー、そのデータ分析に関わることに興味が湧き、2023年、Climate Integrateに参加。
Haru Mochizuki
Senior Research Analyst
After graduating from the University of Sheffield in the UK, Haru was involved in renewable energy-related projects at the European branch of a Japanese trading company. After that, he worked at both Japanese and European financial institutions in London in charge of, for example, renewable energy market research, planning, and data analysis. Subsequently becoming an independent consultant, in 2022 he participated in research on floating offshore wind power generation. In 2023, he joined Climate Integrate to further his interest in climate change and renewable energy and the data analysis involved.