渡辺 千咲
米ボストン大学大学院コミュニケーション学科を卒業後、AP通信東京支局で政治、経済、社会問題など幅広いトピックについて取材活動を開始。ブルームバーグニュース東京支局で再生可能エネルギー、気候変動、電力市場を担当したのち、米タフツ大学フレッチャースクールで環境法や米国の洋上風力市場などについて学び修士号取得。地球環境戦略研究機関リサーチフェロー、CDP Worldwide-Japan を経てClimate Integrateに参加。
Chisaki Watanabe
Program Director
Chisaki, a former reporter for the Associated Press, developed her interest in climate change while working for Bloomberg News where she covered renewable energy and power markets. After receiving a master’s degree from the Fletcher School, Tufts University, she worked as a research fellow at the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. She was on the Global Policy Team at CDP Worldwide-Japan before joining Climate Integrate. She also has a master’s degree from the College of Communication, Boston Univ