大木 美幸
慶應義塾大学総合政策学部(SFC)卒。大学卒業後、共同通信社に入り、北海道と関東で警察・行政・大学・市民団体などを担当する。中国・北京市とアメリカ・メリーランド州での生活後、長野県白馬村でサーキュラーエコノミーと出会い、環境保護と経済成長を両立させる社会の必要性を痛感。それ以降、SDGsを中心に、ゼロウェイスト・気候変動・タンパク質危機などの分野を精力的に取材する。気候保護に関し、一人の人間としてももう一歩踏み込んだプロジェクトに携わりたいと、2023年夏にClimate Integrateのドアを叩く。
Miyuki Ohki
Media/Communications Manager
Miyuki started her career at the Japanese press agency Kyodo News as a journalist mainly covering local officials and governmental affairs. She later worked at an international hospital in Beijing, motivated by her longstanding interest in the medical field. Returning to Tokyo, she resumed media work as a freelance writer. Initiatives by the village of Hakuba in Nagano Prefecture to realize the concept of a circular economy triggered her interest in climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2023 she joined the Climate Integrate team in the hopes of engaging more deeply with climate issues. She holds a BA in policy management from the University of Keio.