Report : “Decarbonizing Japan’s Electricity System: Policy Change to Trigger a Shift”

The Clean Energy scenario by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

The 2035 Japan Report: Plummeting Costs of Solar, Wind, and Batteries Can Accelerate Japan’s Clean and Independent Electricity Future

≫ Download Full Report

Policy recommendations by Climate Integrate

Decarbonizing Japan’s Electricity System: Policy Change to Trigger a Shift

≫ Download Full Report

≫ Download Executive Summary, 10 Recommendations

≫ Vision, Proposal (zip)

≫ Chart, Table (zip)

Climate Integrate’s set of recommendations was published alongside the scenario by Berkeley Lab, presenting three elements for a “national vision” and seven “policy measures” that are key to to realize the scenario.

National vision

1.  A grand design centered on shift to renewables

2.  Ambitious targets and policy review

3.  National strategies for a just transition

Policy measures

1. Making carbon pricing more effective

2. Expanding renewable energy in ways that benefit communities

3. Enhancing flexibility in Japan’s power system

4. Redesigning power markets to encourage fair competition

5. Boosting offshore wind development

6. Improving energy efficiency

7. Using fiscal measures to support the energy shift

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