白石 賢司
研究員 カリフォルニア大学バークレー校再生可能・適正エネルギー研究所、国立ローレンス・バークレー研究所
Kenji Shiraishi
Board of Director
Researcher Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Kenji is a researcher at the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL) and a Ph.D. student at Goldman School of Public Policy (GSPP) at the University of California, Berkeley. He is also a graduate student researcher at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He has conducted various studies on renewable energy development and grid integration towards zero-carbon grid using spatial data analysis, mathematical optimization, capacity expansion modeling, econometrics, and techno-economic analysis. He has ten years of professional experience in domestic and international climate policy as Deputy Director for Market-based Climate Policy at the Japanese Government (Ministry of the Environment) and Managing Director for Global Environment Centre Foundation, including negotiation on Technology at COP 18 and 19. He holds a BS and MS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Tokyo and an MPP from UC Berkeley.